Highlights of the Year in Photos

As another year closes and I excitedly look forward to a new year, I think it’s imperative to briefly look back on where I’ve traveled ( spiritually not just physically). For in order to know where you are going, you must dwell and learn from the paths you’ve tread on . Don’t you think? This past year held fun new places we explored as well as a few surprises in the mix. I also grew more spiritually and my self esteem boosted as I maneuvered through the year. I invested in myself a little bit more and I think it shows.

In January Branden’s girlfriend Jojo came to visit and we all made our own pizza!

I learned that planting inside in dark New Hampshire isn’t a good idea starting in February! Bahaha!

In April Tom and I visited Las Vegas and stayed at Harrah’s a few nights. We explored the strip and rented a convertible to explore Hoover Dam. It was a magical trip for me and I appreciate that Tom humored me by going. It was my way of welcoming and celebrating my 50th birthday!

In May mom and I traveled to Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas to see my nephew Spencer graduate from TCU. It was a wonderful trip with family!

My dad gifted me a greenhouse in the spring and I was fortunate enough to use it the whole growing season.

My daughter in law Lexy and I attended a beautiful bridal shower for my niece.

In June I hosted my own birthday party. It was filled with friends, family, music and laughter.

My paternal cousins and I met one afternoon to eat yummy food and connect. We all looked at old photos of our dads and moms. It was lovely and I hope we do it every year!

Over the summer my handy husband Tom built a gorgeous deck off of our kitchen. It’s a magical place to be! I can’t wait for spring and nice weather to sit out there again!

My mother in law Theo came to stay over the summer. Despite a nasty fall and visit to the local emergency room, we made the best of it. My sister in law Bev stayed with us during this time. We had a lovely dinner with my nieces Michele and Sheryl and Sheryl’s new husband John. We all sat on the deck and magically a Pilated woodpecker flew in a nearby tree and blessed us.

Michele and Sheryl
My sister in law Bev and my mother in law Theo
John, Bev, myself, Sheryl, Michele and Theo
Theo and I

2019, what a year it was! I started feeling better about myself and investing in my weight and health even more. I exercised five to six days a week, drank more water and ate healthy portions. I did experience a health scare for several months with bladder troubles. After an ultrasound, several pelvic exams and a cat- scan nothing showed anything abnormal despite the painful symptoms I was having. My urologist said it could be institial cysitis, a condition that certain foods irritate the bladder and cause pain and urgency. I have adjusted my diet a bit and started taking an antihistimine. It’s 100 percent better! Boy did I take my health for granted! Never again! This trial brought me closer to God and his peace. He carried me through and I am eternally grateful for that!

I wish you happy and peaceful moments in the new year! Cherish your family, friends and your good health.

All My Best,

Mary ❤️🎊

7 thoughts on “Highlights of the Year in Photos

  1. What a wonderful way to look back. I will decide soon if I will pay and blog more or drop in now and then. Yesterday all over NH Fiddleheads hit the racks with my Artwork on the cover I better get ready to sell lots of cards and prints but want to teach here starting in spring. Your deck looks awesome I may add a wrap around one on stilts it the water continues to rise 🙂 then they will tax me for views 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Eunice I haven’t been on here often. I guess I’m dry with writing ideas for now. I hope you stay but understand if you don’t. Thanks, we love our deck! A wrap around one sounds awesome…post pictures when you do it! Blessings to you❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well it is now February and today more snow we have been so spoiled lol I hope you are well I had a bad cough for 2 weeks getting better now 🙂

        Where are you in case I head that way we can meet for a coffee 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Good morning Eunice, I’m happy you are feeling better now! I have had that nasty virus for over a week, missed a day of school because of it. I started to feel better but now I’m taking steps back. I guess I need to rest. I’m near Littleton NH so on weekends or in the summer I could meet there. 😄

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Perfect I go to St. J all the time 🙂

        Feel better
        I see a doc. Thursday then first week of March to get to the bottom of why I am always getting this.


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